Sunday, June 14, 2009

Give your body and mind a treat each day

Take good care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Bodywork helps you to treat your body right. Stress is the number one killer in both men and women. Our bodies become tense, knotted up, and then we begin to get the typical physical signs. Stress will cause headaches, irritability, high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, and much more. One of the best ways to combat these ailments is to have regular work done to your body to help you stay calm and learn to distress. There are several ways to do this. You can simply go for walks, work out, take a hot shower, or you can have massage or polarity therapy. You will want to choose the best method for you.
Massage Therapy For The Soul
One of the best ways to help your body combat stress and stay healthy is through massage. This type of bodywork offers you many types of benefits. The sense of touch offers an emotional calming that helps the body to relax. This lowers blood pressure and helps to relax muscles. A therapist will massage the muscles vigorously to help blood flow and to release toxins from the tissues. These toxins can now easily exit the body, allowing it to be healthier. When our bodies feel better physically, we will feel better spiritually and emotionally. Our attitude improves and we are less irritable. Massage helps you reach a better place both physically and mentally.
Polarity Therapy For Your Happiness
There are many people who are uneasy with massage for one reason or another. Polarity therapy can help those who are not comfortable being unclothed, had touch related traumas, and have other negative feelings overcome and move forward. Through light touch or simply intention, the therapist simply removes the negative and blocking energies of the person having the bodywork done. This allows the energy that runs though us all to run in harmony. The toxins and poisons are removed from the body and the soul and healing can begin. This is a great way to help combat many types of diseases before they strike.
How To Relax At Home
Bodywork does not have to just be done by a professional. Meditation, a relaxation bath, working out, all falls into the same realm of therapy, as long as you reduce stress, help the body to heal, and create a way to help the bodywork at its optimum, you have achieved the same results. Working out does so much to allow the body to be at its best. It helps the blood flow to remove toxins. A relaxing bath warms up the muscles to allow you to reduce tension. Meditation helps the mind guide the body into a more peaceful state where rejuvenation can take place. When you do any of these daily or in combination, you can help to prolong any professional work you have done, or enable yourself to be at your best on your own, unaided. Either way you will be doing you and your health a great service for now and for the future

Negative Heel

Why Negative Heel Shoes?
The Anne Kalso Story

Man has built a world of concrete and steel that is incompatible with his anatomy. We need a shoe that recreates underfoot the natural terrain that now lies buried beneath the concrete of our cities.
Earth Yoga Origins – The Anne Kalso Story
While in pursuit of her life-long interest in Yoga, Anne Kalso's studies took her to the great Hindu school of Yesudian in Zurich and later to the Yoga monastery in Santos, Brazil. In the course of her studies and experiments, she observed that by flexing the foot, or by lowering the heel one could achieve a feeling similar to that attained in the Yoga Mountain pose. In 1957, this awareness inspired her to develop (with the aid of a Portuguese shoe maker) a primitive version of a sandal with the heel lower than the toes.
Subsequently, she began to observe the superb posture of the native Brazilians with their foot imprints in the sand, and it was confirmed to her that when man walks in soft earth the weight of his body is sunk low in to the heels! Returning to Denmark, she began experimenting further with this principle. For ten years she developed and refined her designs. She tested the new models herself on walking trips of five hundred miles and more. Every nuance of their design and structure grew out of her intense concern and care. "It took numerous years of hard work before I reached the final form of my shoe which takes into consideration all the natural demands of the foot and body. Now I know that I have created something. It is no longer an idea in my mind, but a thoroughly tested and proven fact."
Does this work? I am a recreational race walker. I pound the track and or the pavement about 15 miles a week. With a lot of standing at work and being on my feet all day. Chronic back pain has be a constant in my life for decades. While researching reflexology, I came across Negative Heel Technology. Currently reverse heel athletic shoes are quite expensive. Being cheap, I did not want lay out over $100 for a new pair just to see it works!
I did the next best thing. I took a pair of used but good athletic shoes, removed the inside heel material, keeping the outside intact and still padded. Replacing the insole now I had a reverse heel of about 3 degrees. The first time I put these shoes to the test was at the mall during Christmas shopping with the family.
In previous years I could handle no more than a hour of walking around the mall. My back will start to spasm and the pain kicks in, I get cranky and want to go home. This year dad was still going like the ‘Eveready Bunny’ after everyone else was tired! I credit these shoes for giving me good posture so my weight is distributed optimally and naturally. Hardly any fatigue and resulting pain in my lower back or neck. I thought I will share this with fellow chronic back pain suffers. And now when I next shop for shoes of any stripe I will go with Negative Heel Technology. No matter what the cost.
There are some really cool shoe design out there now, however they are not at the mainstream stores yet.
You can browse these online retailers if you care to. Viva happy feet! ♥,

Maximize health benefits during your morning shower

Foot reflexology is a simple, natural healing technique that appears to induce a normalizing response in the body by applying pressure to specific reflex points on the feet. Foot acupressure is a similar technique derived from the Chinese tradition which sees the body as a network of energy channels. In fact, many cultures have used some form of foot massage as a healing technique.

Reflexology, acupressure and foot massage are most effective when applied on a regular basis. Just as stress and tension are accumulative, so is the relaxation response. Because it is not always possible to visit a reflexologist regularly, self-massaging devices have been developed for applying pressure to the feet: foot massage mats, rollers, special sandals, etc.

Recognition of reflexology as a valuable natural healing technique has increased in recent years. National and international reflexology organizations now exist, and in many areas practitioners are licensed by local governments.

Cobblestone walking is an ancient health enhancing practice that has been known in China for thousands of years. Cobblestone walkways or foot reflexology parks exist all over China and are utilized by young and old for their health and meditative benefits.

Understanding the time constraints of contemporary living, most of us do not have time to take of our shoes take a stroll in a cobbled courtyard several times a week.

Most people go barefoot in the shower each morning! You can now use that 10 minutes for your own reflexology massage. Simply place it on the floor of your shower stall and step on wooden deck. And it is ready to use.

While showering place your feet on the rounded natural pebbles and use your body weight to gently rock to and fro to massage and stimulate thoes reflexology pressure points on your feet. It is exhilarating and rejuvenates your feet and entire system. Helps with circulation.

This new product has foot scrubbing strips to scrub bottoms of your feet. For that ‘just from the pedicurist feeling’. When you get out of the shower your feet and the rest of your body will thank you.

I sourced natural polished Iron ore which I have been using instead of stone. No scientific evidence it is better or worse. I just think it is cool, if you want to go a step further you could magnatize the stones and use them. Just imagine the possibilities.

Ginger Tea

Before during and after the flu
When you are feeling some of the symptoms of the usual winter blahs, you have contracted flu virus, nothing on this green earth is going stop it from running its course. The key words here are running and course. During the time the virus is doing its thing in your body and ramping up to infect the rest of the household and your entire deptartment at work. Here is what most people do. They take strong, no make that extra strength flu and cold medicines. These mask the symptoms flu. The main active ingredients are ephedrine and the legally allowed dosage of pain medication that you can get without a prescription.
When you take these medicines you may already know it works is essentially by shocking your body. Its suppresses the natural detoxification process of your body which is trying to getting rid of the mucus to cleanse your body. Essentially you suppress your natural immune functions with these over the counter drugs. I
It is highly recommended you take the few days off and let the symptoms run its course and you rest at home rather than drug up and show up to work. You are not at your productive best at work as you are running on an empty tank with your transmission limping along.
Whether you decide to stay at home and rest or got to work. Drink warm Ginger Tea. This is almost miracle remedy. It helps loosen up that mucus and speeds up the terrible symptoms throughout its varios stage. By all means take your chicken noodle soup. However stay away from the ephedrine products and toxic alley.
How to Make Ginger Tea
Ginger tea has a spicy, invigorating taste. It's used as a home remedy for indigestion, nausea, and to ward off colds, flu, and sore throats.
Ginger tea is very easy to make. Here is a recipe for you to try.
Ginger Tea Recipe
· water, 4 cups
· 2-inch piece of fresh ginger root
· optional: honey and lemon slice
Peel the ginger root and slice it into thin slices. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan. Once it is boiling, add the ginger. Cover it and reduce to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea. Add honey and lemon to taste.
Note: Keep in mind that if you are making ginger tea as a home remedy during cold and flu season, sweeteners are not recommended.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Earth Body Mind

cupressure tools and techniques

STANDING FOOT PAIN: Feet, calf muscles and shins painful and sore to the point where you can not do your job ? Usually pain can be released in a few minutes with the use of simple neuro-muscular exercises and acupressure massage. It works because it brings oxygenated blood to the muscles and removes the over energized (hypertonic) muscle imbalances causing the pain.

“Sit down and massage your feet with a trigger point tool or with your fingers during a break at work and get some circulation into those tired feet. You should feel
rejuvenated be able to get back to work pain free for the next few hours.

As a first step it is important to consult a physician to determine if the pain is due to a pathological problem (such as a bone fracture or blocked blood vessel). This should be appropriately cared for medically. On the other hand build up lactic acid on soles of feet can irritate nerves and tendons and lower back muscles and usually heal themselves in a day or two after the out-of-balance muscles have been corrected.

Trigger points are small areas of intensely contracted muscle fibers, nerve endings, and tendons or a combination of thereof, which literally feel like knots. Often nagging low level chronic pain is accompanied at the source of the trigger point or at a corresponding area of the body.

For the moment you may visualize a Trigger Point as a set of traffic lights where streets from several different directions converging on during a rain storm. In this case the movement in the nerves, tendons and muscle are all moving very
sluggishly. Traffic is almost at a standstill. The tailpipe emissions are creating lactic acid (which the brain translates to Pain). What is required the healing touch to sort out the congestion. Actually the pain will seem to intensify a bit as the traffic policeman gets to the intersection and starts to pump his/her arms in the air and slowly starts to get things moving again. 'That' is what a trigger point therapy session feels like. You may feel and intensified 'good pain' which overcomes the dull long term chronic pain. Gradually circulation is restored to the joint, oxygen rich blood will be flowing into the affected area will begin to remove the offending lactic acid (pain).

The involuntary nerve impulses that stimulate spasms of pain and contractions will not stop and the tissue cannot relax without some form of stimulation or relaxation which comes from deep REM sleep.

When you had a headache have you ever pressed-on and massaged the tender spots on the sides of your temples? If the answer is yes, you have practiced self-help trigger point therapy.

Acupressure tools listed here are some of the best available to facilitate the manual intervention needed to relax the spasm of the bundled muscle fibers that make up the trigger point.

How to use trigger point therapy tools on yourself
Be prepared to experience the intensified 'Good Pain'. If you had trouble with deep tissue massage in the past or if you are very sensitive to pain, Trigger Point Therapy is probably not for you. If you are open to new things and believe you can 'handle it', you can try this now. It will make you feel good. Begin by just lying still on your back on a carpet or exercise mat or even sitting on a chair. Bring your knees up to a comfortable position,consciously breath in and out and relax your whole body. If you don’t already have an acupressure tool (you can use a golf ball or any hard smooth object of similar shape, size and hardness as your tool. Anything that would not collapse under your body weight.


Raise your buttocks (you can not do much damage to this area) slightly off the floor and place the tool under your on of your buttocks (less fleshy part is better) lower your buttocks slowly onto the tool. You will begin to feel an intense ‘what we will call good pain’ on a scale of 1-10. If your pain threshold is 5 use your feet to leverage your buttocks to that level. Once you have reached this operating level of intensity, hold that for a few moments. Now you are ready for the next level. Relax a bit more and now while using your body weight on the tool (golf ball) slowly move your lower body in a small circular motion over the tool. You will begin to feel deep tissue massage. By lowering your body down on the tool or raising it you can increase or decrease the pressure as needed. Use common sense and caution and experiment and you will be able to figure out what your tolerance level for ‘good pain’ is.


AccuMassager Backnobber II

Since you started to stimulate a group of muscle cells you speed-ed up their circulation. Suddenly each cell started to get an increased flow of oxygen rich blood. Which goes about the cell cleaning up and flushing out built up of waste materials which had been languishing about inside the walls of the cell. The rejuvenated cell(s) lets the brain know that this is quite good. Hence the good pain. It’s the same with intensified exercise. You feel pain but then it is followed by a good feeling. You can move the tool up and down your spine, stopping at each vertebra and focusing on that spot, slowly stretch and loosen each muscle on either side of the spine. Gradually locate the most tender areas by positioning the tool slowly inch by inch. As you rest on the tool you are essentially using your body weight to bear upon the trigger point, by using you elbows wrists buttocks and feet on the floor you will be able counter and balance the level of depth the tool is pressuring the tissue. Hold the pressure and then gently move your body side to side and glide over the sensitive spot for about 15 -20 seconds. Do this process 3 times and move to the next spot. Experiment with different places along the contours of the muscle tissue. The pain should slowly ease your energy; your energy will increase as the blockages give way to good blood flow. Meditate, focus on the spot and reduce stress and reach a high state of relaxation and profound awareness.

Since you started to stimulate a group of muscle cells you speed-ed up their circulation. Suddenly each cell started to get an increased flow of oxygen rich blood. Which goes about the cell cleaning up and flushing out built up of waste materials which had been languishing about inside the walls of the cell. The rejuvenated cell(s) lets the brain know that this is quite good. Hence the good pain. It’s the same with intensified exercise. You feel pain but then it is followed by a good feeling.

You can move the tool up and down your spine, stopping at each vertebra and focusing on that spot, slowly stretch and loosen each muscle on either side of the spine. Gradually locate the most tender areas by positioning the tool slowly inch by inch. As you rest on the tool you are essentially using your body weight to bear upon the trigger point, by using you elbows wrists buttocks and feet on the floor you will be able counter and balance the level of depth the tool is pressuring the tissue. Hold the pressure and then gently move your body side to side and glide over the sensitive spot for about 15 -20 seconds. Do this process 3 times and move to the next spot. Experiment with different places along the contours of the muscle tissue.

The pain should slowly ease your energy; your energy will increase as the blockages give way to good blood flow. Meditate, focus on the spot and reduce stress and reach a high state of relaxation and profound awareness.

Types of Theraputic Massage

Acupressure - Lomi Lomi -Traditional Hawaiian Massage - Shiatsu - Sports Massage – Pohaku - DeepTissue Massage - Hot Stone Massage - Kinesiology/Applied Kinesiology - Myofascial Release - Pregnancy Massage - Ortho-Bionomy – Reflexology - Swedish Massage - Thai massage -Cranio Sacral Therapy - Trigger Point Myotherapy

What is Massage?

From Wikipedia

Massage is the practice of applying structured or unstructured pressure, tension, motion, or vibration - manually or with mechanical aids - to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue,tendons, ligaments, joints,lymphatic vessels, and other organs of the gastrointestinal systemto achieve a beneficial response. Massage Therapy is performed primarily by a professional Massage Therapist but is often used as a form of healing therapyby other healthcare practitioners such as Chiropractors, Physical Therapists and Osteopaths.

Massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body, to aid the process of healing from an injury, to relieve psychological stress, manage pain, and improve circulation. Where massage is used for its physiological, mental, and mechanical benefits, it may be termed "therapeutic massage" or "manipulative therapy". Massage can is also applied in the context of lovemaking. (see erotic massage and sex work).

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body's life force (sometimes known as qi or chi) to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle, but firm pressure of hands and feet. Acupressure, continues to be the most effective method for self-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand. Acupressure can be effective in helping relieve headaches, eye strain, sinus problems, neck pain, backaches, arthritis, muscle aches, tension due to stress, ulcer pain, menstrual cramps, lower backaches, constipation, and indigestion. Self-acupressure can also be used to relieve anxiety and improve sleep. There are also great advantages to using acupressure as a way to balance the body and maintain good health. The healing touch of acupressure reduces tension, increases circulation, and enables the body to relax deeply. By relieving stress, acupressure strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness. In acupressure, local symptoms are considered an expression of the condition of the body as a whole. A tension headache, for instance, may be rooted in the shoulder and neck area. Thus, acupressure focuses on relieving pain and discomfort, as well as responding to tension, before it develops into a disease-before the constrictions and imbalances can do further damage. The origins of acupressure are as ancient as the instinctive impulse to hold your forehead or temples when you have a headache. Everyone at one time or another has used their hands spontaneously to hold tense or painful places on the body. More than five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered that pressing certain points on the body relieved pain where it occurred and also benefited other parts of the body more remote from the pain and the pressure point. Gradually, they found other locations that not only alleviated pain, but also influenced the functioning of certain internal organs. (Definition, in part, from the book Acupressure's Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach, director of the Acupressure Institute, Bantam, 1990.)

Cranio Sacral Therapy For more details on this topic, see Craniosacral therapy.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system-comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. CranioSacral therapy is most often utilized to treat neurological disorders including ADHD, autism, and acute stress disorders.

Deep Tissue Massage

Used to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles. This invigorating experience is a process of detection of stiff or painful areas by determining the quality and texture of the deeper layers of musculature, and slowly working into the deep layers of muscle tissue. Specific hand positions and strokes are then used to respond to various tissue qualities. Techniques employing breath and movement are also used for releasing muscular congestion.

Hot Stone Massage

The use of heated stones upon the human body as a tool for healing has been used by various cultures for thousands of years. The application of heat to the body and the relaxing effects this has on muscles and the nervous system has been recognized by numerous ancient civilizations. Heated stones were used by Egyptians in their ceremonies, and heated stones have also been used by Native American Indians and in Lomi Lomi massage in Hawaii.

However, it was 1994 that the use of heated stones as part of a full body massage began. Mary Nelson, a massage therapist from of Tucson, Arizona spent 3 years researching and developing the LaStone massage method. She then began sharing her knowledge and began training the massage staff at numerous resorts and spas throughout the southwest states of America. As more and more tourists experienced the LaStone Massage, word spread throughout the spa and healing arts industry and today hot stone massage can be found on the menu of spas and resorts in all corners of the globe. Mary's staff of professional instructors have trained thousands of massage therapists in 3 to 5 day long classes, worldwide.

During an authentic hot stone massage, stones are heated in hot water and then used in two ways. Some stones will be laid under a towel or pillowcase placed under the back along both sides of the spine and ontop of the torso (on a towel) to heat the chakra centers. Heated stones coated in oil are then used directly in the hands of the therapist delivering various massaging strokes of the muscle tissues. The heat from the stones helps to relax the muscles which then permits greater overall results for the massage experience.

Kinesiology/Applied Kinesiology
Kinesiology is the study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy related to human body movement, specifically the action of individual muscles or groups of muscles that perform specific movements. Applied kinesiology involves muscle testing to assess a client's condition.

Lomi Lomi - Traditional Hawaiian Massage
For more details on this topic, see Lomilomi massage.
Lomilomi massage is an ancient art from the Hawaiian healing specialists. They were taught their art over 20 years and received their last instructions from their master on his death bed. There are hundreds of styles of Lomilomi, the main ones being the style of Big Island which was passed on by Aunty Margaret Machado, and Maui style from Uncle Kalua Kaiahua. On the island of Kaua'i, Kahu Abraham passed on what is today called Kahuna Bodywork. It is not clear if other current practices-temple style, lomi lomi nui and others-are from Native Hawaiian practitioners or are modern adaptations.

Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is the three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement into the fascial system in order to eliminate fascial restrictions and facilitate the emergence of emotional patterns and belief systems that are no longer relevant or are impeding progress. First, an assessment is made by visually analyzing the human frame, followed by the palpation of the tissue texture of various fascial layers. Upon locating an area of fascial tension, gentle pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction. Myofascial release is an effective therapeutic approach in the relief of cervical pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, neurological dysfunction, restriction of motion, chronic pain, and headaches.


Ortho-Bionomy was developed by the British osteopath Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls in the 1970s and has since been refined into a comprehensive system of bodywork that includes a person's energetic and emotional well-being, in addition to addressing the physical body. Pauls combined his understanding and techniques of osteopathy with the principles of martial arts and the philosophy of homeopathy to stimulate the organism's self-healing reflexes without needing to use force or painful manipulation. The term Ortho-Bionomy loosely translates from the Greek into the correct application of the laws of life to indicate Pauls did not invent something entirely new, but returned to a way of understanding the body and energetic field that had been known for centuries, but had fallen into disuse by modern medicine. On a physical level, a practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy uses comfortable positions and gentle movements to ease the body into releasing tension and pain and to reestablish structural realignment. Proprioceptive nerve activity and stretch reflex action are stimulated to educate the body about its own patterns and to support the organism's ability to find balance, rather than forcing change from the outside. Since the changes that take place come from within, the results of the work tend to be long-lasting and affect not only the body, but the overall well-being of the client. The energetic and emotional aspects of the client are included to facilitate balance and release of mental and emotional holding patterns closely associated with physical imbalance or trauma. Participation of the client is always welcome in Ortho-Bionomy, and sessions are often educational in character. Often, awareness alone will change a pattern, but specific exercises are also a part of what Ortho-Bionomy can offer a client.

Pohaku (Stone) Healing

Pohaku Healing is the process of rhythmic tapping of the muscles from one connective point to the other connective point moving eventually all the way to the bone. By tapping the muscle with a smooth stone shaped to fit the affected area, the muscile is freed from the other muscles around it as well as being freed from the bone. This process is popularly known as "rolfing". Pohaku Healing is far less painful because the stones go deeper than fingers and move faster with far less discomfort. Scar tissue prevents muscles from having natural elasticity. When pressing muscles to the extreme, scar tissue is often uncovered. Using Pohaku Stones, scar tissue can be broken up to promote the growth of new tissue to replace old, worn-out tissue. Water is often retained at connective tissues such as the back of the knees, ankles, wrists and pelvis because water cannot fit through the tight squeeze of the connective tissue. Tapping these areas with stones releases water which allows it to get through to the muscles. The muscle then absorbs the moisture and expands to its original size.


A holistic approach to natural health care. It asserts that energy fields exist everywhere in nature, and that the flow and balance of this energy in the human body is the underlying foundation of health. Stress, tension, pain, inflexible thinking, and environmental stimuli are among many factors that can contribute to the restriction of this energy flow in the human body. According to Polarity therapists, such energy blocks can be released by the use of four therapeutic methods: bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage focuses on the special needs of the mother-to be, as her body progresses through the dramatic changes, of the childbirth experience - pregnancy, birth, and post-partum. Some of the possible benefits of pregnancy massage include relaxation, a calm effect, even blood flow, reduced stress, relief of muscle spasms, cramps and myofacial pain. Also relief of back, neck, hip and leg pain. Improved blood and lymphatic circulation. Easing of musculoskeletal pain caused by stress on weightweight-bearing joints. Reduced constipation, gas, and heartburn. Developed kinesthetic awareness. Body sensory awareness which enhances a woman's ability to focus on the infant within, to count baby's kicks and monitor his or her movement and position. Improved sleep. Enhanced ability to relax deeply which is a technique that's useful between contractions during labor.

Postpartum massage is designed to help restore the body to it's pre-pregnancy condition and to address the stress of carrying and caring for a newborn. It can speed recovery by bringing relief to sore muscles and helping the mother to relax. Abdominal massage can help shrink the uterus and relieve subcutaneous scar tissue.


Based on an ancient Chinese therapy, reflexology involves manipulation of specific reflex areas in the foot, hands, and ears that correspond to other parts of the body. Sometimes referred to as zone therapy, this bodywork involves application of pressure to these reflex zones to stimulate body organs and relieve areas of congestion. Similar to acupressure principles, reflexology works with the body's energy flow to stimulate self-healing and maintain balance in physical function. This technique is used to reduce pain, increase relaxation, and stimulate circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids. It is especially useful in stress-related illness and emotional disorders. Reflexology is also convenient in cases where an area of the body is traumatized or diseased to the extent that direct manipulation is not appropriate.

A system based on the body's energy meridians. Shiatsu massages are normally done fully clothed and involve pressing points on the body and stretching and opening of the energy meridians. Shiatsu is somewhat related to acupuncture, which is a form of anesthesia and therapy used in Chinese hospitals for surgery. Its proponents view it as a form of treatment alternative to medicine or surgery.

Sports Massage
Sports massage is designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery. There are three contexts in which sports massage can be useful to an athlete: pre-event, post-event, and injury treatment. Pre-event massage is delivered at the performance site, usually with the athlete fully clothed. Fast-paced and stimulating, it helps to establish blood flow and to warm up muscles. During the massage, the athlete generally focuses on visualizing the upcoming event. Post-event massage is also delivered on site, through the clothes. The intent here is to calm the nervous system and begin the process of flushing toxins and waste products out of the body. Post-event massage can reduce recovery time, enabling an athlete to resume training much sooner than rest alone would allow. When an athlete sustains an injury, skillful massage therapy can often speed and improve the quality of healing.

Swedish Massage

(A proper name, not a reference to Sweden) refers to a collection of techniques designed primarily to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. The lymph system and veins (which carry blood back to the heart) both rely on muscle action, rather than heart pump pressure, to operate. Many believe it is safe to apply light pressure in the opposite direction. Friction is reduced by oil, lotion or a massage gel. Some practitioners claim benefits from vegetable rather than mineral oil while others disagree. Swedish massage can relax muscles, increase circulation, remove metabolic waste products, help the recipient obtain a feeling of connectedness, a better awareness of their body and the way they use and position it. The strokes and manipulations of Swedish Massage are each conceived as having a specific therapeutic benefit. One of the primary goals of Swedish Massage is to speed venous return from the extremities. Swedish Massage shortens recovery time from muscular strain by flushing the tissue of lactic acid, uric acid and other metabolic wastes. It improves circulation without increasing heart load. It stretches the ligaments and tendons, keeping them supple. Swedish Massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system while at the same time relaxing the nerves themselves. As it can help reduce emotional and physical stress it is often recommended as part of a regular program for stress management. It also has specific clinical uses in a medical or remedial therapy.

Thai Massage
Known in Thailand as (Nuat phaen boran, [nu - t - p -n bora-n]), which correctly translates only as ancient massage or traditional massage, this form of massage is also known as Thai ancient massage, traditional Thai massage, Thai yoga massage, yoga massage, Thai classical massage, Thai bodywork, passive yoga or assisted yoga. It is usually soothing because of its emphasis on stretching and loosening the body.

Originating in India and drawing from Ayurveda, it has inevitably incorporated modalities like yoga. The receiver is put into many yoga like positions during the course of the massage. In the northeren style there are a lot of stretching movements unlike the southern style where pressure is emphasised. It was believed that the massage art was brought over to Thailand by Shivago Komarpaj (Jivaka Kumarabhacca), a contemporary of Lord Buddha over 2500 years ago.

The massage recipient changes into loose, comfortable clothes and lies on a mat or firm mattress on the floor. (It can be done solo or in a group of a dozen or so patients in the same large room). The massage practitioner leans on the recipient's body using hands and forearms to apply firm rhythmic pressure to almost every part of the recipient's body. The massage generally follows the Sen lines on the body-somewhat analogous to Chinese Meridians and Indian nadis. In some gestures, legs and feet of the giver are used to fixate the body or limbs of the recipient. In other gestures, hands fixate the body, while the feet do the massaging action. Oil is not used in traditional Thai Massage. A full Thai massage session typically lasts two hours or more, and includes rhythmic pressing and stretching of the entire body; this may include pulling fingers, toes, ears etc., cracking the knuckles, walking on the recipient's back, arching the recipient's back in a rolling action etc. There is a standard procedure and rhythm to the massage.

Note: The traditional therapeutic practice of Thai massage should not be confused with the sexual service of the same name that is available in some hotels and brothels. Sometimes the traditional therapeutic Thai Massage, or ancient massage, is referred to as "old lady massage," while the sexual practice, which has nothing to do with therapeutic traditional massage is called "young lady massage."

Trigger Point Myotherapy
Trigger point myotherapy is a noninvasive therapeutic modality for the relief and control of myofascial pain and dysfunction. The goal of treatment is the client's recovery from or a significant reduction in myofascial pain. The treatment goal is achieved through a systematized approach. Treatment consists of trigger point compression, myomassage, passive stretching, and a regime of corrective exercises. Success may be measured subjectively by the level of pain reduction experienced by the client and objectively through increased range of motion, strength, endurance, and other measures of improved function. Trigger point myotherapy relies heavily on client-therapist interaction, including verbal and nonverbal elements. The myotherapist encourages the client to be personally responsible for their improvement, with attention to such factors as nutritional intake, stress, proper exercises, mechanical abnormalities, and other physical components. These elements protect the client from delayed diagnosis, delayed treatment, or contraindicated treatment, which are the concerns of first order. Trigger point myotherapy is an integrating approach to myofascial pain and dysfunction.
